Thursday, September 6, 2012

40 days (Week 1) - Part 2 - Here we go again!

So after 3 weeks of maintaining I am back on the next set of 40 days... Take a deep breath cause HERE WE GO AGAIN!!  :)  I have decided to make this a once a week blog for now - I may go back to daily and I will let you know if I decide to do so :)

Week one:  Went well... I am finding that I actually do very well under structure (Gasp!!  Me?  Creative, Free Spirit me?... well it's true) and that every day this is easier than I expected.  To date - I have lost 53 lbs and am starting to finally remember not just who I am, but the woman I want to be...

Oh I still have my bad days and I still have moments when I am feeling great and a single moment can send me crashing to the floor - but for the first time in a long time - I am not giving up!! 

You really have to understand - that this is not my nature - to keep pushing through, expecially when it is a personal goal.  Usually, well usually I just give up and walk away.  But I am learning that I am not the only one and that life is like that... At some point in the along the way, we get to a part where we hit a wall and want to give up. The real tragedy is that sometimes... somtimes we give up before we even start; And then other times we give up just before we are about to make that HUGE break-through that we have been trying so hard to obtain... Now I could barrage you with a huge list of reasons to never give up but let me tell you the single reason that change my life:

The # 1 Reason to never give up: 

You are unique and special

You feel discouraged and be tempted to walk away from your dreams, your goals, your job, your family, your marriage, etc. You may even have convincing reasons why you should give up. But honestly, do you have any idea just how special you are? Whether you realize it or not, you are the only you there will ever be.  That is exactly why you are so special.  Think about the last time you just focused on how special you are, because I promise you, if you focus long enough,  you will have no reason to give up on your dreams, your goals, youself. The talents, skills, determination is what sets you apart and makes you the person you are.  Would you expect the people you love around you to just give up?  No you would encourage them to try just a little bit harder - to keep going.  So encourage yourself. 

And remember - It's not over til the Fat Lady sings

Be Blessed!!

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