Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 13: The Whale of the Plate and the Shrimpy Shrimp

(Update at the bottom!)

Yesterday our amazing director took us to lunch at Red Lobster as a thank you for quarter end. I had two simultaneously had two reactions.

1. There is no way I can go
2. I don't want to offend anyone... So maybe it's ok to cheat a little just this once.

Wait!!! What? Did I really start to give in that easy? Why am I so willing to rationalize myself into a temporary pleasure?

Well, let's face it... I LOVE food and because I do, I thought that if I only ate one delicious meal a day, I would be just fine... Ummmm Scratch that idea... Trust me, IT DOESN'T WORK!! Now I know some of you are reading this and thinking "Duh"! But I really thought it would work.

So I had decided not to go and a dear friend sent me the menu highlighting a lovely little side salad with only 90 calories... So yay!! Off I went. I further discovered that I could get 3oz of shrimp on a skewer, grilled with no butters or oils!! Yes!!

So they bring out my shrimp with everyone else's food and it was pretty hilarious to see this giant plate with this little tiny shrimp skewer on it.  I was affectionately teased as I cut it up into tiny pieces and tried to make it last as long as everyone else.  I had fun and loved spending time with my friends. Most importantly I discovered that I can actually eat out and still be healthy if I am willing to do two things:

1. Use that AWESOME nutrition information on the menu!!!
2.  Not be afraid to ask!

My kids always say that is never EVER hurts to ask... how true this is in all our lives.

If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
John 14: 14

So ask away and see what happens!!


Give me that drum roll!!!!

8.8 POUNDS!!!

Total weight loss... 21 pounds!!!


  1. Posted your blog on my wall!! My favorite excuss is....welll I lost some weight! Guess I can splurge!! Lol

  2. Way to go Chi!! keep it up, we all believe in you!
