Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 27: Facing the Falling Rain

Update Below

"Life aint always easy
Sometimes it just aint fair
You're just going in circles
You aint getting no where
When you feel like giving in
Just remember where you've been"

Amanda Jo

This is one of my favorite songs... When I am having a really rough day and I just want to give up... I play it and it pushes me though. Because let's face it... Life really isn't very fair is it?  So the first part of the song clearly appeals to my whining side but then it turns right about and kicks me in the tush with the chorus.  And I have to get back up - Dust myself off and keep going. 

"You gotta face the falling rain to get to the rainbow
You gotta climb a lot of mountains to get where you want to go
So don't give up if it seems you'll never get through the show
You gotta face the falling rain to get to the rainbow." 
Amanda Jo

I guess what I am saying is that sometimes, we need to put safeguards in place to make sure that we are not letting ourselves down.   I am finding that with the positive barriers securely in place, I am much less likely to go off track.  And I can tell you this... the more of the real me I see, the more I want to stand strong and face the rain head on... the rain of discouragement, the rain of not good enough, the rain the of doubt, the raging storm of insecurity... I am tired of hiding under my emotional umbrella and feeling sorry for myself.  I will defy it, let it drench me and then let the warm rays of satisfaction and success dry me until the next storm hits - For now... I am standing strong!

As you can clearly see, music is a strong motivator for me... It moves something inside and makes me want to push through.  If music is not what motivates you... find out what is your motivator and make it work for you!  :)

Drum Roll Please

9 Pounds!!!  Total Weight loss:  30.4 pounds!!  Whoot!  Whoot!


  1. Wow!!!!! God is teaching you soooo much!!!! anddddd you areee disappearingggggg!!!! love it!

  2. Nice 30 pounds is definitely something to celebrate! Cheers to you! Jesus cracker all around…There will always be haters. There will always be plenty of naysayers and people who try to tear you down. Don’t pay attention to them and don’t take what they say to heart. Let the haters hate and you keep believing in yourself.
