You're STUCK and to be frankly honest... ready to GIVE UP.
Familiar? This is was me And I would be lying if I told that everything is now loppipops and roses because on some days, there is that part of me that still wants to rear it's stubborn little head and pull me back into the muck and mire.
Do you have kids? Do you know how when they are growing we always buy things "a little bigger" to make them last? That had become my life's mentality when shopping for myself. I would try something on and if it was a little tight or even the perfect size I would buy the next size up for "just in case". Let's just call that for what it was... ANTICIPATING FAILURE. You see, I didn't believe enough in myself to think anything other than I was only going to get bigger. I was STUCK ! Stuck by a mental wall that had me convinced this was the best life had to offer.
And it doesn't matter what it is you're facing in life... Stuck is stuck. Whether it's in your finances, your marriage, your job or even your life. If you don't make a conscious decision to push through... You'll be at the same wall five years from now... Only now the wall is bigger and starting to surround you, closing you in and cutting you off from the life God has planned for you. I am learning to not settle for the land of "good enough" because the land of promise is right around the corner!!
Hebrews 6:12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
Hmmmm Faith AND Patience... Sounds like a hand in hand deal to me. :)
I know the feeling and the best way to think about it is change how you think. Change how you speak. Change how you act. this is my favorite quote: "Your future is not a result of random decisions made. Your future is a specific place that is created first in your mind and then it is created in your actions. The future is not where you go. Your future is the place you create." ~ Darryl L. Mobley