Update at Bottom!
Did you know... that The United States is the most obese country in the world? With all our knowledge, with all our technology and what we have to show for it is FAT - From microwaves to Fast food - We are killing ourselves FAST.
Do you sometimes feel like this is you? I know I do!! Too long, I often felt like I was circling with no direction, telling myself that at least I am getting "some" exercise... Ha! Right! I promise you... this does NOT work at all. It's like walking to Dairy Queen everyday to get the Blizzard; you're still filling your body with junk no matter how you try to justify it. It would be nice if that were truly the case but it's not. Round and round we go. Until we are confused, dizzy, exhausted and not even ourselves anymore. And where do we go from there? Mother's, Grandmothers, Daughters, Sisters,
Aunts, Cousins, the list goes on and we find ourselves trapped in a
vicious cycle - So it's not just about me, it's about my daughter, and
my granddaughters and it is time for me to break that cycle for not just
my Lifetime but for my Lifeline!!
When facing difficulties, our emotions will always attempt take control. Some might say that their emotions help keep them in life and that they guide us to not to do things or something bad might happen but is that us simply mistaking wisdom for emotions? The reality is that they certainly don't guide us to success. You see, they only try to rescue or numb us to our immediate situation that we find ourselves trapped in. They don't have the wisdom to rationalize the possibility of long-term effects on our lives. In other words, these emotions are selfish and don’t really care about your future. They only react to the immediate problems you are facing in the moment and look for the quickest solution, which is how comfort food comes into place. Do you see where I am going with this? Life should be lived based on conscious thought, choices and wisdom - NOT EMOTION!!
Probably the hardest thing in the world is to set your emotions aside and continue on. To keep going especially when we are feeling emotional. The biggest question is... How do we do that? Because here's the thing, you can't just get rid of your emotions - you truly have to learn to let your emotions and your wisdom co-exist together. Yes it is okay to feel frustration and to even acknowledge it. You just have to decide that in spite of the frustration, you are not going to give in.
By now, you are probably seriously tired of me using the word choices but it's the reality. Like when you are eating a salad, do you choose to smother it in dressing or have it on the side? Do you have dessert every night or just once in a while, Do you really have to have that much cream and sugar in your coffee? Think about it... and choose wisely.
By now, you are probably seriously tired of me using the word choices but it's the reality. Like when you are eating a salad, do you choose to smother it in dressing or have it on the side? Do you have dessert every night or just once in a while, Do you really have to have that much cream and sugar in your coffee? Think about it... and choose wisely.
5 POUNDS!!! Total weight loss: 35 lbs!!!!
*See what happens when you choose? :)
So great girl! Keep it up! I'm proud of you!