Yesterday my blog was a little bit whiny butt, a little bit "poor me" and a lot of truth. Thank you for all the personal emails I received of encouragement and love. I can't say how much I appreciate it!! I was truly touched when one of my faithful readers (you know who you are) called this "our blog". I can't tell you how much that meant to me... but I can promise you this... it meant so very much!
It is so easy to allow things in life to get us down, to allow the things that people (or our own minds) say around us to affect our self image or worth... It is so easy to get into the habit of beating ourselves up over past mistakes that it makes us easy prey for the world around us. It is so easy to get into the habit of giving up... to begin to live a "Thanks for noticing me" Eeyore mentality.
But guess what? Eleanor Roosevelt put it this way: "No one can make you feel inferior (including yourself) without your consent." so guess what?? Those things people say? They don't define you or me... at best they only serve as a speed bump... NOT STOPPING us but only slowing you down for a minute or two; And as long as we let it go... they have NO POWER over us unless we give it power!! So if we apply this concept in every area of our lives... how much farther will we travel on this journey of life!!!
Brothers (and Sisters), I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
Philippians 3:13
So ALWAYS remember this:
Once you let it go... YOU ARE FREE!!!
This reminds me Lovers vs. Doers. DOERS are people who know how to work. They get things done and in itself, that’s not a bad thing at all! I love being around doers because they tend to be people to rely on, and are devoted to the task at hand. They make great teammates. But LOVERS, wow, they are in a class all of their own. They don’t only “do”, but their doing comes from a deep sense of gratitude, or better yet, love. When all roads converge to a single point, and we come to a realization of not “self” but of “God”, we then say- “Anything Lord. I love you so much. Ask anything of me. With joy I serve you. I’m ready to begin serving you even now!” Lovers accomplish more than doers any day of the week. And regarding tasks does God our Father care more about the items we are accomplishing or the son or daughter he is shaping? He is calling us to be LOVERS, not only DOERS.